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Employment Value Proposition

    Employment Value Proposition
    We supply you with all your labour needs from your elementary to your professional levels that is, your skilled and unskilled labour.
    We provide
    • Assist organisations to understand employee and employment market preferences and perceptions
    • Identify Highest-Return Investments to reinforce the Employment Value Proposition
    • Identify Highest-Return Investments to reinforce the Employment Value Proposition
    • Design implementation plan and measure impact
    Improved attractiveness
    Greater employee commitment
    Compensation savings
    Designing Employment Value Proposition (EVP) is important to attract and retain critical talent segment for any organization. The EVP is the set of attributes that the employment market and employees perceive as the value they gain through employment in an organization. The EVP consists of several dimensions where each dimension represents a number of attributes. We assist organizations to identify right combination of attribute.